Praise and Worship

The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:18-20 (ESV) says, “…be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…”

God designed His church to worship.

For our worship to honor God rightly, we must also consider the “i” in our strategy, investing our time, talent, and treasures. If God has given you a talent or ability that could be used to bless our worship ministry, we want you! We can use your skills as a vocalist, instrumentalist, or in our sound and video production. You provide the talent, we’ll provide the training, and together we can enjoy the satisfaction that comes from using the gifts God has given to us to honor Him and bless our church.

Please connect with our worship team.


We are committed to missions.  This is non-negotiable because our God is a missionary, God!  He sent His Son to save us and has given us a similar mission to spread the message of His Gospel.

Small Groups

we desire to see all of our people join a group. In fact, it’s the second part of our strategy… “Understanding the Bible in groups.”  Joining a group allows a person to go deeper into God’s word, participate in open discussion, develop community, create accountability, and enjoy fellowship with others!

We believe that being a part of a group is vital to a person’s spiritual growth, and vital to the health of our church!

  • B – Believe together in worship
  • Understand the Bible in groups

Students  Ministry

We exist for the purpose of connecting middle school and high school students relationally to Jesus Christ, and leading them to love God and love people. We are committed to teaching students how to live lives that echo the lifestyle and teachings of our Lord and Savior. We are committed to building a group of students that are sold out for serving and reaching their generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.

Our student ministry is concerned with two primary things: Salvation & Sanctification. Simply put, we want unbelievers to hear the saving message of Jesus Christ, and we want believers to grow in their faith.

We believe that every student is designed with a specific God-given purpose. Unfortunately, most students do not understand why God created them. That’s where we come in. Our goal is to help them understand that our greatest purpose in life is to glorify God and to worship Him!

we make student ministry a high priority and take it very seriously. We do not believe that students are the future of the church, or that they are the church in waiting. Rather, we believe they are an essential part of the church right now! We believe that every student has the potential to make an impact in God’s kingdom!

Men’s Ministry

We want to teach men how they can grow in their faith!

We want to provide opportunities for fellowship!

We want to serve Christ with one another!

Through various events, activities and regular bible study on Sunday morning,we want to see men become more like Jesus,!

Women’s Ministry

  • For fellowship!
  • Our women’s ministry exists to unite women in deepening their faith in Jesus Christ through learning, sharing, worshiping, and encouraging one another!  Our goal is to become women of God’s grace. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, we want all women of our church to be involved in our women’s ministry!

To better include every woman of every age group, several events are planned each year to meet the spiritual and personal needs of the women of the church. These are planned to encourage fellowship and to get to know each other better.  Bible studies are also sponsored throughout the year that focuses on being a strong woman of faith!

If you have any questions about our women’s ministry, please contact  with

Hospital Visitation

For those in the hospital or suffering from illness. This ministry offers hospital visitation, phone calls, and prayer. We also send greeting cards with words of encouragement and hope. Contact

 Life Groups

Our hope is that everyone at Evangelical Church member will seek out a Christ-centered community in their lives.  We believe that our classes and life groups are the best places to experience the fullness of life that Jesus offers.

Life Groups typically consist of 6-10 adults who gather for Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, and Outreach.  It’s about doing life with one another!  We also offer a variety of classes that provide opportunities to learn and grow in your faith. Growth


Our spiritual mentors meet once a week with a mentoring partner for the purpose of encouraging and helping them walk with Christ. Anyone interested, whether new in their faith or not, is encouraged to consider exploring the potential of this kind of relationship.

Come Visit us This Weekend